
Showing posts from February, 2024

วันที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2567: บิตคอยน์ - ข้อมูลเบื้องต้นและความสำคัญ

วันที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2567​, เรามาพูดคุยเกี่ยวกับบิตคอยน์ (Bitcoin) ซึ่งเป็นเหรียญดิจิตอลที่มีความสำคัญมากที่สุดในวงการ​เป็นต้นมา​มีราคาล่าสุดที่เป็น​ ​52412.17 USD​ และมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงราคาในช่วงสามสิบวันที่ผ่านมาที่​ ​10.77%​​ บิตคอยน์มีค่าทางตลาด (Market Cap) ที่ ​1028821391042.87 USD​ และ​การเปลี่ยนแปลงในช่วง 24 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมาอยู่ที่ ​0.0973%​​ จำนวนเหรียญที่แจกจ่ายอยู่ทั้งหมด​ ​19629437 ลูกเหรียญ​ และจำนวนเหรียญสูงสุดที่จะแจกจ่ายในอนาคตอยู่ที่​ ​21000000 ลูกเหรียญ บิตคอยน์มี​องค์กร​ ​​​​​ ที่ให้ข้อมูลและสถิติเพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับกลุ่มเหรียญดิจิตอลนี้ คุณสามารถเยี่ยมชมได้ที่

2024-02-16 Tarihli Bitcoin Makalesi

2024-02-16 tarihinde Bitcoin hakkında kapsamlı bir makale. Bitcoin, kripto para piyasasının en popüler ve değerli dijital varlıklarından biridir. Şu anki fiyatı 52,412.17 USD'dir. Son bir saatteki fiyat değişim yüzdesi 0.33, son 24 saatteki fiyat değişim yüzdesi 0.09 ve son 7 gündeki fiyat değişim yüzdesi 10.77'dir. Bitcoin'in piyasa değeri 1,028,821,391,042.87 USD'dir ve 24 saatlik piyasa değeri değişim yüzdesi 0.0973'tür. Mevcut dolaşımdaki arzı 19,629,437 BTC'dir ve toplam arzı da 19,629,437 BTC'dir. Maksimum arzı ise 21,000,000 BTC'dir. Bitcoin, piyasa hakimiyeti açısından da büyük bir rol oynamaktadır. Şu anki piyasa hakimiyeti yüzdesi 52.25'tir ve kripto para piyasasındaki diğer varlıklara göre birinci sıradadır. Bitcoin'in geçmiş performansı da oldukça etkileyicidir. Son bir yıl içindeki fiyat değişim yüzdesi 113.20, son 30 gün içindeki fiyat değişim yüzdesi 22.59 ve son 90 gün içindeki fiyat değişim yüzdesi 43.74'tür. Tüm zamanlardaki

2024-02-16 비트코인 (Bitcoin) 현재 상황 및 데이터 분석

비트코인은 암호화폐 중에서도 가장 잘 알려진 코인 중 하나로, 현재 시장에서 주목을 받고 있습니다. 현재 비트코인의 가격은 52,412.17달러이며, 1시간 동안의 가격 변동률은 0.33%입니다. 24시간 동안의 가격 변동률은 0.09%로, 최근 7일, 30일, 60일 및 90일 동안의 가격 변동률은 각각 10.77%, 22.59%, 28.19%, 43.74%입니다. 비트코인의 시가 총액은 1,028,821,391,042.87달러입니다. 최근 24시간 동안의 시가 총액 변동률은 0.0973%이며, 비트코인의 완전 희석 시가 총액은 1,100,655,572,133.84달러입니다. 순환 공급량은 19,629,437개이며, 총 공급량과 최대 공급량은 각각 19,629,437개와 21,000,000개입니다. 비트코인은 시장의 52.25%를 차지하여 가장 큰 시가 총액 지분을 보유하고 있습니다. 또한, 비트코인은 1위 등수를 차지하고 있으며, 이전 1년 동안의 투자 수익율(ROI)은 84,760,217.58%입니다. 비트코인의 과거 최저 가격은 0.04864654달러이며, 최고 가격은 68,789.63달러입니다. 최저 가격과 최고 가격에서의 변동률은 각각 107,740,697.4%와 -23.81%입니다. 최저 가격은 2010년 7월 14일 19시 24분에, 최고 가격은 2021년 11월 10일 14시 17분에 기록되었습니다. 비트코인의 전일 최저 가격은 51,371.63달러이며, 최고 가격은 52,820.07달러였습니다. 어제의 개장 가격은 51,836.78달러이며, 종가는 51,938.56달러입니다. 전일 가격 변동률은 0.2%이며, 어제의 거래량은 38,564,360,532.5달러입니다. 비트코인은 올해부터의 가격 변동률은 18.67%입니다. 거래량의 순위는 2위이며, 시가 총액 순위는 2,576위입니다. 비트코인은 8,829개의 시가 총액 중에서 거래량의 순위는 8,829위입니다. 비트코인에 관한 더 자세한 정보를 보시려면 여기 를 클릭하세요.

Bitcoin (BTC) - De huidige prijs, marktkapitalisatie en meer op 16 februari 2024

Op 16 februari 2024 heeft Bitcoin (BTC) een prijs van €52.412,17, een stijging van 0,09% in de afgelopen 24 uur. De prijs van Bitcoin is de afgelopen 7 dagen met 10,77% gestegen en in de afgelopen 30 dagen met 22,59%. In vergelijking met het begin van het jaar heeft Bitcoin een stijging van 43,74% doorgemaakt. Bitcoin heeft momenteel een marktkapitalisatie van €1.028.821.391.042,87, wat neerkomt op een marktdominantie van 52,25%. De totale hoeveelheid Bitcoin in omloop is 19.629.437 munten, met een maximaal aanbod van 21.000.000 munten. Dit betekent dat er nog 1.370.563 munten gemined moeten worden. Bitcoin heeft een jaarlijks rendement van 84.760.217,58% behaald sinds de oprichting. De laagste prijs ooit geregistreerd was €0,0486 op 14 juli 2010, terwijl de hoogste prijs ooit €68.789,63 was op 10 november 2021. Momenteel ligt de prijs van Bitcoin boven het all-time low, maar onder het all-time high. Voor meer gedetailleerde en actuele informatie over Bitcoin, kun je terecht op mihansi

Articolo sul Bitcoin - 16 Febbraio 2024

Il valore attuale del Bitcoin è di 52412,17 dollari. Negli ultimi 24 ore, il prezzo è aumentato dell'0,09%, mentre nell'ultima settimana ha registrato una crescita del 10,77%. Rispetto a 30 giorni fa, il prezzo è aumentato del 22,59%, mentre è aumentato del 28,19% nell'ultimo trimestre. La capitalizzazione di mercato attuale è di 1.028.821.391.042,87 dollari, rappresentando il 52,25% dell'intero mercato delle criptovalute. Il Bitcoin ha una fornitura circolante di 19.629.437 monete su un totale di 21.000.000 monete previste. Il prezzo più basso raggiunto dal Bitcoin negli ultimi 52 settimane è stato di 19.628,25 dollari, mentre il prezzo più alto è stato di 52.820,07 dollari. Per maggiori informazioni sul Bitcoin, puoi consultare il sito web di Mihansignal .

2024-02-16: Bitcoin - Shuhuda wa Mabadiliko ya Bei na Ukuaji wa Soko

Bitcoin ni sarafu ya dijitali ambayo imekuwa ikipata umaarufu mkubwa duniani kote. Kwa tarehe 2024-02-16, bei ya Bitcoin ilikuwa $52,412.17. Sarafu hii imeonyesha mabadiliko ya bei tofauti kwa kipindi cha saa 1, siku 1, wiki 1, mwezi 1, na miaka 1 iliyopita. Mabadiliko ya bei ya Bitcoin kwa kipindi cha saa 1 ni 0.33%, kwa siku 1 ni 0.09%, kwa wiki 1 ni 10.77%, kwa mwezi 1 ni 22.59%, na kwa miaka 1 ni 113.2%. Mabadiliko haya yanaonyesha kiasi cha volatiliti katika soko la Bitcoin. Soko la Bitcoin limekua kwa kasi, na thamani ya soko kwa tarehe 2024-02-16 ilikuwa $1,028,821,391,042.87. Bitcoin inaongoza katika soko la sarafu za dijitali kwa kushikilia asilimia 52.25 ya thamani ya soko lote. Thamani ya soko ya Bitcoin imeongezeka kwa asilimia 0.0973 katika kipindi cha siku 1. Bitcoin ina usambazaji wa sasa wa 19,629,437 na usambazaji wa jumla na ufanisi wa 21,000,000. Katika kipindi cha siku 1, soko limeongeza asilimia 0.09 ya ufanisi wote. Mbali na hilo, Bitcoin ina thamani ya soko ya as

2024-02-16: بٹ کوائن کا حالیہ حاصل، قیمت اور اس کے تبدیلی رونمائی

بٹ کوائن ایک مشہور کرنسی ہے جو 2024-02-16 تک جاری ہے۔ یہ مقالہ میں اس کے حاصل قیمت اور مختلف معیار تبدیلی پر بات چیت کی جائے گی۔ بٹ کوائن کی قیمت فی اکڑ حاصل ہوتی ہے: 52412.17010161153. ہفتے کے دوران معیار تبدیلی کا حصول ہوا، جبکہ ایک سال کے دوران قیمت تقریبا 113.20148862 فیصد بڑھ گئی۔ بٹ کوائن کا مارکیٹ کیپ اور مکمل ڈلاٹ مارکیٹ کیپ بھی دی گئی ہے جو 1028821391042.87 اور 1100655572133.84 ہیں۔ فل سپلائی 19629437 ہے اور مکمل سپلائی بھی اسی سے مماثل ہے۔ اگر فرض کریں کہ آپ بٹ کوائن کے بارے میں مزید جاننا چاہتے ہیں، تو آپ mihansignal پر جا سکتے ہیں جہاں آپ کو اس سے متعلقہ زندہ معلومات دستیاب ہوں گی

২০২৪-০২-১৬: বিটকয়েন সম্পর্কিত তথ্য

বর্তমানের তারিখঃ ২০২৪-০২-১৬ বিটকয়েন হলো একটি ক্রিপ্টোকারেন্সি যা ব্লকচেইন প্রযুক্তিতে নির্মিত। এটি একটি ডিসেন্ট্রালাইজড ডিজিটাল মুদ্রা যা কোনও দলের নির্দেশনা ছাড়াই কার্যকরী। বর্তমানে বিটকয়েনের মূল্য হ্রাসের পরিমাণ হালকা হয়েছে এবং মার্কেট ক্যাপ ও পরিসংখ্যানের পরিমাণও কিছুটা বেড়েছে। বিটকয়েনের মূল্যের পরিবর্তন হ্রাস পরিমাণ অনুযায়ী, ১ ঘন্টা, ২৪ ঘন্টা, ৭ দিন, ৩০ দিন, ৬০ দিন, ৯০ দিন এবং ১ বছরের পরিমাণে প্রদর্শিত হয়েছে। এছাড়াও সাধারণ পরিবর্তনের পাশাপাশি বিটকয়েনের সম্পূর্ণ মার্কেট ক্যাপ এবং সম্পূর্ণ ডিলিউটেড মার্কেট ক্যাপ এবং অন্যান্য তথ্যও উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে। যদি আপনি আরও সম্পূর্ণ বিস্তারিত তথ্য দেখতে চান বা বিটকয়েনের বর্তমান তথ্য জানতে চান, আপনি এখানে ভিজিট করতে পারেন।

2024-02-16 को बिटकॉइन (Bitcoin) के विपरीत आंकड़े

2024-02-16 को बिटकॉइन (Bitcoin) के विपरीत आंकड़ों की एक विस्तृत जानकारी है। विपरीत आंकड़ों के अनुसार, बिटकॉइन (Bitcoin) की मूल्य 52,412.17 डॉलर है और पिछले 1 घंटे में 0.33% तक बदल गयी है। पिछले 24 घंटे, मूल्य में 0.09% का वृद्‍धि देखा गया। इसके अलावा, पिछले 7 दिनों में मूल्य में 10.77% वृद्‍धि और पिछले 30 दिनों में 22.59% का वृद्‍धि देखा गया है। इस आलेख में भी दिए गए आंकड़ों के बारे में मध्‍यम से जानकारी दी गई है। कृपया यहाँ क्लिक करके वास्‍तविक समय में बिटकॉइन (Bitcoin) के विस्तृत आंकड़े देखें।

16 de fevereiro de 2024: Visão abrangente do Bitcoin

O Bitcoin é uma criptomoeda popular que tem mostrado um crescimento significativo nos últimos tempos. No dia de hoje, 16 de fevereiro de 2024, o preço do Bitcoin é de R$ 52.412,17, com uma variação de 0,33% nas últimas 1 hora. Você pode conferir dados em tempo real sobre o Bitcoin aqui . O mercado de criptoativos tem sido marcado por flutuações de preço, e o Bitcoin não é exceção. Nas últimas 24 horas, seu preço teve uma variação de 0,09%. No entanto, no período de 7 dias, o Bitcoin apresentou um aumento impressionante de 10,77%. Esses números podem ser vistos com mais detalhes no site do Mihansignal. A capitalização de mercado do Bitcoin atualmente é de R$ 1.028.821.391.042,87, com uma variação de 0,0973% nas últimas 24 horas. Sua capitalização de mercado diluída é de R$ 1.100.655.572.133,84. O Bitcoin possui um fornecimento circulante de 19.629.437 moedas, com um fornecimento total de 21 milhões de moedas. O Bitcoin ocupa o ranking de número 1 no mercado de criptoativos, e seu domíni


2024年2月16日のビットコイン(Bitcoin)の現在のデータについてお伝えします。 ビットコインは現在、価格が52412.17010161153ドルで推移しています。直近1時間の価格変動率は0.33125178%、直近24時間の価格変動率は0.09298274%、直近7日間の価格変動率は10.77326444%です。 市場時価総額は1028821391042.87ドルで、最大供給量は21000000.0ドルです。現在の流通量は19629437ドルで、市場時価総額の占有率は52.2517%です。 ビットコインの価格変動は過去30日間で22.58784162%、過去60日間で28.1929943%、過去90日間で43.74335198%の変動を示しています。1年間の価格変動率は113.20148862%で、全期間の価格変動率は84763535.6928781%です。 さらに詳しいデータは、 こちら のMihan Signalのウェブサイトでご覧いただけます。

16 февраля 2024: Данные о Биткоине

Вот некоторые интересные данные о Биткоине на сегодняшнюю дату, 16 февраля 2024 года: Цена: $52,412.17 Изменение цены за 1 час: 0.33% Изменение цены за 24 часа: 0.09% Изменение цены за 7 дней: 10.77% Изменение цены за 30 дней: 22.59% Изменение цены за 60 дней: 28.19% Изменение цены за 90 дней: 43.74% Изменение цены за 1 год: 113.20% Изменение цены за все время: 84,763,535.69% Рыночная капитализация: $1,028,821,391,042.87 Изменение рыночной капитализации за 24 часа: 0.0973% Максимальная капитализация: $1,100,655,572,133.84 Общее количество монет в обращении: 19,629,437 Итоговое количество монет: 19,629,437 Максимальное количество монет: 21,000,000 Доля рыночной капитализации: 52.25% Более подробные данные и графики можно найти на веб-сайте mihansignal .

تحليل البيتكوين - 2024-02-16

في هذا التحليل الشامل، سنستعرض أحدث المعلومات حول البيتكوين وتطوراته الحالية. يمكنك العثور على المزيد من التفاصيل والبيانات المباشرة حول العملة على موقع ميهان سيجنال . تاريخ البيانات الحالي: 2024-02-16 سعر البيتكوين الحالي هو: 52412.17010161153 دولار. قد شهد البيتكوين تغيرًا بنسبة 0.33٪ في الساعة الأخيرة، وبنسبة 0.09٪ في الساعات الـ 24 الأخيرة، وبنسبة 10.77٪ خلال الأيام السبعة الماضية. يظل البيتكوين في المرتبة الأولى من حيث القيمة السوقية بقيمة 1028821391042.87 دولار، ونسبة تغيير القيمة السوقية خلال 24 ساعة الأخيرة هي 0.0973٪ من القيمة الإجمالية. يبلغ إجمالي العرض التداول حاليًا 19629437.0 بيتكوين من أصل الإمكانية النقدية الكلية لـ 21000000.0 بيتكوين. نادرًا ما تظهر فرصة استثمارية تتسم بقدرة العائد على التضخم بمعدل 84،760،217.58٪، وهذا بالضبط ما جلبته البيتكوين في السنوات الماضية. تأثر سعر البيتكوين بحدود سعرية متغيرة، وتعتبر أسعار 68789.62593892214 دولار كأعلى نقطة تاريخية و0.04864654 دولار كأدنى نقطة تاريخية للعملة.

2024-02-16 年度比特幣綜合分析

在2024年2月16日,比特幣(Bitcoin)在整個加密貨幣市場佔據著龍頭地位。比特幣是第一個加密貨幣,也是最具市值和影響力的一個。它的價格目前為52412.17美元,並且在過去1小時內上漲了0.33%。 比特幣在過去24小時內的價格波動較小,僅上漲了0.09%。然而,從過去7天的數據來看,比特幣呈現了10.77%的增長,並且在過去30天、60天和90天內的增長率分別為22.59%、28.19%和43.74%。 比特幣在市場上占有52.25%的份額,其市值高達1028.82億美元。它的總供應量為1,962,937個,總供應量和最大供應量均為21,000,000個。比特幣的市值在過去24小時內增長了0.0973%,並且其全勤市值達到了1,100,655,572,133.84美元。 比特幣的價格波動幅度很大,過去24小時內的最低價為51,371.63美元,最高價為52,820.07美元。在過去7天、30天、90天和52周內,比特幣的最低價和最高價分別為46,905.32美元和52,820.07美元、35,670.97美元和52,820.07美元、19,628.25美元和52,820.07美元。 比特幣的市值已經逐步提高,全年的價格增長率為113.20%,而全期市值增長率高達84,760,217.58%。它的回報率(ROI)也非常驚人。 比特幣的昨日數據顯示,其最低價為51,371.63美元,最高價為52,820.07美元。開盤價為51,836.78美元,收盤價為51,938.56美元。在過去24小時內,其價格變化率為0.2%。 比特幣在過去一年的價格變化非常突出,從最低價0.0486美元增長到最高價68,789.63美元。其最低價的變化率為107,740,697.4%,而最高價的變化率為-23.81%。最低價出現於2010年7月14日,最高價出現於2021年11月10日。 比特幣的交易量也非常驚人,過去24小時的交易量達到了38,564,360,532.5美元。此外,比特幣在加密貨幣市場的成交量和市值都名列前茅。 總的來說,比特幣是一個極具價值和增長潛力的加密貨幣。如果您想了解更多關於比特幣的信息,可以查看 這個網站 。

Aktueller Bitcoin-Preis und Marktkapitalisierung am 16. Februar 2024

Am 16. Februar 2024 beträgt der aktuelle Preis von Bitcoin 52.412,17 US-Dollar. Dieser Preis entspricht einer Veränderung von 0,33 % in der letzten Stunde, 0,09 % in den letzten 24 Stunden, 10,77 % in den letzten 7 Tagen, 22,59 % in den letzten 30 Tagen, 28,19 % in den letzten 60 Tagen, 43,74 % in den letzten 90 Tagen und 113,20 % in den letzten 12 Monaten. Die gesamte Preisdifferenz seit Bestehen von Bitcoin beträgt enorme 84.763.535,69 %. Die aktuelle Marktkapitalisierung von Bitcoin beläuft sich auf 1.028.821.391.042,87 US-Dollar, was einer Veränderung von 0,0973 % in den letzten 24 Stunden entspricht. Die vollständig verwässerte Marktkapitalisierung liegt bei 1.100.655.572.133,84 US-Dollar. Bitcoin hat eine umlaufende Versorgungsmenge von 19.629.437 Einheiten und insgesamt 21.000.000 Einheiten. Die Marktkapitalisierung von Bitcoin hat einen Anteil von 52,25 % am Gesamtmarkt. Der aktuelle Preis von Bitcoin schwankt zwischen einem 24-Stunden-Tief von 51.371,63 US-Dollar und einem 24-

16/02/2024: Bitcoin - Aperçu des données en direct

Le 16 février 2024, nous avons examiné les données en direct de Bitcoin pour vous fournir un aperçu complet de cette crypto-monnaie populaire. Bitcoin est actuellement évalué à 52 412,17 $, avec une variation de prix de 0,33 % au cours de la dernière heure. Au fil des dernières 24 heures, le prix de Bitcoin a connu une augmentation de 0,09 %, tandis que la variation sur 7 jours est de 10,77 %. La capitalisation boursière de Bitcoin s'élève à 1 028 821 391 042,87 $, ce qui représente une part de marché de 52,25 %. La quantité de Bitcoin en circulation est de 19 629 437,0, avec un approvisionnement total de 21 000 000,0. Si vous souhaitez explorer davantage les données en direct de Bitcoin, vous pouvez consulter ce lien .

16 de febrero de 2024: Bitcoin - Resumen e información actualizada

Hoy, 16 de febrero de 2024, queremos proporcionarte un resumen detallado y actualizado sobre Bitcoin, la criptomoneda más importante del mercado. A medida que escribimos este artículo, el precio de Bitcoin se sitúa en $52,412.17, con una variación porcentual de 0.33% en la últimahora. A lo largo de las últimas 24 horas, ha experimentado un cambio del 0.09%, mientras que durante los últimos siete días ha subido un 10.77%. Desde hace 30 días, Bitcoin ha aumentado su valor en un 22.59%, y si nos remontamos 60 días atrás, ha subido un 28.19%. ¡Increíble! Pero eso no es todo, en el último trimestreha crecido un impresionante 43.74%, y si tomamos en cuenta el último año, su crecimiento alcanza un asombroso 113.20%. Bitcoin tiene una capitalización de mercado de aproximadamente $1,028,821,391,042.87, lo que la consolida como la principal criptomoneda en términos de capitalización. Además, su dominancia en el mercado alcanza el 52.25%, demostrando su liderazgo indiscutible. A diferencia de muc

2024-02-16: Comprehensive Analysis of Bitcoin

2024-02-16: Comprehensive Analysis of Bitcoin Bitcoin is the world's leading cryptocurrency, with a current price of $52,412.17. It has experienced a 0.33% price increase in the last hour, a 0.09% price increase in the last 24 hours, and an impressive 10.77% price increase over the past 7 days. These fluctuations in price demonstrate the dynamic nature of the market and the potential for both short-term and long-term gains. With a market cap of over $1 trillion, Bitcoin continues to dominate the cryptocurrency market, accounting for 52.25% of the total market cap. Its circulating supply currently stands at 19,629,437 BTC, out of a total supply of 21 million BTC. This limited supply, coupled with its high demand, positions Bitcoin as a valuable asset in the digital economy. The all-time low of Bitcoin was recorded at just $0.0486, highlighting the cryptocurrency's incredible growth since its inception in 2009. On the flip side, Bitcoin reached an all-time high of $68,789.63. The

Exploring Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Analysis of its Current Market Performance

Bitcoin, the world's leading cryptocurrency, continues to capture the attention of investors and enthusiasts alike. As of the current date, 2024-02-16, Bitcoin is trading at $52,347.75 with a market capitalization of $1,027,556,856,792.07. Over the past hour, Bitcoin has experienced a modest price change percentage of 0.18%. However, when observing its performance over various time intervals, we can see significant fluctuations. In the past 24 hours, the price change percentage stood at 0.03%, and over the last 7 days, it recorded a growth of 10.58%. One of the notable aspects of Bitcoin is its supply. It has a circulating supply of 19,629,437 coins, with a total supply and maximum supply of the same amount. This limited supply contributes to its market cap dominance of 52.26% and ranks Bitcoin as the number one cryptocurrency in terms of overall market capitalization. Bitcoin's price history unveils remarkable milestones. Its highest recorded price within the last 52 weeks rea

Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Overview

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that was created in 2009 by an anonymous person or group of people using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It operates on a technology called blockchain, which is a distributed ledger that records all Bitcoin transactions. Bitcoin has gained significant attention and popularity over the years, becoming the most valuable and widely recognized cryptocurrency in the world. Its price has experienced both dramatic highs and lows, making it a subject of great interest to investors and traders. Currently, the price of Bitcoin stands at $52,232.81, with a market capitalization of over $1 trillion. This makes it the dominant cryptocurrency, accounting for over 50% of the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies combined. Bitcoin's price has exhibited strong growth over various timeframes. In the past 24 hours, it has decreased by 0.3%, while over the past 30 days, it has increased by 22.6%. Looking at a longer-term perspective, Bitcoin

Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Overview

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that was created in 2009 by an unknown person or group of people using the name Satoshi Nakamoto. It is the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, and it operates on a peer-to-peer network without the need for a central authority or government. Bitcoin's price is currently at $52,207.36, with a 24-hour high of $52,820.07 and a low of $51,371.63. The price has been experiencing slight fluctuations in the past 24 hours, with a decrease of 0.12%. market Bitcoin has shown significant price changes over different time periods. In the past 7 days, it has seen a 10.04% increase, and in the past 30 days, it has seen a 22.54% increase. Over the past year, Bitcoin's price has increased by a remarkable 112.99%. The all-time high for Bitcoin was reached on November 10, 2021, with a price of $68,789.63. Since then, it has experienced a slight decrease, but it still remains a highly valuable asset. Its all-time low was $0.0486, which shows the i

Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Overview of Price and Market Data

Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Overview of Price and Market Data Bitcoin, the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, has seen significant growth and adoption since its inception. In this article, we will take a comprehensive look into the current price and market data of Bitcoin. now Market capitalization is an important metric to evaluate the overall value of a cryptocurrency. Currently, Bitcoin's market cap is $1,024,801,090,722.99. This places Bitcoin at the top spot among all cryptocurrencies, with a market cap dominance of 52.31%. The circulating supply of Bitcoin is 19,629,437, with a total supply of 21,000,000. Bitcoin's price has shown a significant upward trend over the past few months. Over the past 30 days, Bitcoin's price has increased by 22.54%, and over the past 90 days, it has increased by 43.26%. Looking at the one-year trend, Bitcoin has experienced an impressive price increase of 112.99%. The ROI (Return on Investment) for Bitcoin is a staggering 84,376,599.56%. Bitcoin&#

Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Overview

Bitcoin, the world's first decentralized digital currency, has gained significant popularity and adoption since its inception in 2009. With a current price of $52,157.14 and a market cap of over $1.02 trillion, Bitcoin continues to dominate the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin's price has experienced various fluctuations in the short term, with a 1-hour price change percentage of -0.21% and a 24-hour percentage of -0.57%. However, it has shown strong long-term growth, with a 1-year price change percentage of 112.43% and an all-time price change percentage of 84,351,085.51%. Bitcoin's circulating supply stands at 19,629,387 coins, out of a total supply of 21 million coins. Its market cap dominance is currently at 52.23%, making it the most valuable and influential cryptocurrency in the market. For more detailed and real-time information about Bitcoin's price, market cap, and other key metrics, you can visit mihansignal .

Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Overview of Price and Market Cap Data

Bitcoin is the world's leading cryptocurrency, known for its decentralized nature and pioneering blockchain technology. In this article, we will delve into some key price and market cap data of Bitcoin. The current price of Bitcoin stands at $52,157, with a 24-hour price change percentage of -0.57%. Over the past 7 days, Bitcoin has experienced a positive price change percentage of 10.38%, while the 30-day and 60-day percentages stand at 22.32% and 27.17% respectively. Looking at a longer time frame, the 90-day and 1-year price change percentages are 43.16% and 112.43% respectively. The market cap of Bitcoin is valued at $1.02 trillion, with a 24-hour market cap change percentage of -0.57%. The fully diluted market cap, which takes into account the maximum supply of Bitcoin, stands at $1.10 trillion. Bitcoin's market cap dominance in the cryptocurrency market is 52.23%, demonstrating its significance in the industry. The circulating supply of Bitcoin is currently 19.63 million

Understanding Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Overview

Introduction Bitcoin has been making headlines ever since its inception in 2009. As the pioneer of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin has attracted significant attention from investors, technologists, and the general public. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates on a peer-to-peer network. Unlike traditional fiat currencies, such as the US dollar or the Euro, Bitcoin is not issued or controlled by any central authority. Bitcoin transactions are recorded on a public ledger called the blockchain, which ensures transparency and security. How Does Bitcoin Work? Bitcoin works on a technology called blockchain, which is a distributed ledger that lists all transactions ever made. When someone sends Bitcoin to another person, the transaction is added to a block, which is then added to the blockchain. Miners, individuals or organizations that validate transactions and maintain the network, use a process called mining to solve complex mathematical puzzles. Once the puz

The Current State of Bitcoin: Price, Market Cap, and More

The Current State of Bitcoin: Price, Market Cap, and More Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency, has been making headlines for its impressive performance and market dominance. Let's take a closer look at the current state of Bitcoin, including its price, market capitalization, and other key indicators. Price price Market Cap The market capitalization of Bitcoin is valued at $1,024,155,690,606.76. This metric represents the total value of all Bitcoins in circulation. Bitcoin currently holds a market dominance of 52.35%, indicating its significant share in the overall cryptocurrency market. Supply and Circulation Bitcoin has a maximum supply of 21,000,000 coins. Currently, there are 19,629,387 Bitcoins in circulation. Bitcoin's circulating supply represents the number of coins actively being traded in the market. Price Change Over the past 24 hours, the price of Bitcoin experienced a slight decrease of 0.36%. However, when we look at longer-term trends, Bitcoin has shown impressive

Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Overview

Bitcoin: A Comprehensive Overview Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, has gained significant attention since its inception in 2009. With a current price of $52,174.61, Bitcoin has experienced various price fluctuations in the short and long term. Over the past 1 hour, Bitcoin's price has seen a change of 0.48%, while its 24-hour price change stands at -0.36%. However, looking at a longer period, Bitcoin's price has increased by 11.87% in the past 7 days and 43.21% in the past 90 days, showcasing its volatile nature in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin's market capitalization, which is the total value of all coins in circulation, currently stands at $1.02 trillion. With a circulating supply of 19.6 million coins out of a total supply of 21 million, Bitcoin holds a dominant market cap of 52.35%. As a reference for live data on Bitcoin, you can visit Mihansignal to stay up-to-date with the latest price movements, market capitalization, and other important

Bitcoin: La Criptomoneda Líder del Mercado

Bitcoin es la criptomoneda más reconocida y valiosa del mundo, con una capitalización de mercado de más de $1 billón de dólares. Es conocida por su tecnología innovadora y su potencial para revolucionar el sistema financiero global. El precio de Bitcoin en este momento es de $51,989.08 dólares, con una variación del 0.29% en la última hora y una caída del 0.65% en las últimas 24 horas. Sin embargo, en los últimos 30 días, Bitcoin ha experimentado un aumento del 21.78% en su precio, lo que demuestra su estabilidad y potencial de crecimiento. Bitcoin tiene una oferta total de 21 millones de monedas, de las cuales ya se han minado más del 93%. Esto significa que solo quedan alrededor de 2.07 millones de Bitcoin por minar. Con una oferta limitada, Bitcoin se ha convertido en una reserva de valor confiable y una protección contra la inflación. Mihansignal es una plataforma que proporciona datos en vivo sobre el precio de Bitcoin y otras criptomoneda

The Rise and Success of Bitcoin

Bitcoin, the world's most popular cryptocurrency, has experienced significant growth and success since its creation. In recent years, Bitcoin has become a household name and has revolutionized the financial industry. With a current price of $51,989, Bitcoin continues to dominate the market with a market capitalization of over $1 trillion. Its market cap dominance stands at 52.28%, solidifying its position as the leading cryptocurrency. Bitcoin's success can be attributed to its decentralization, security, and limited supply. With a total supply of 21 million coins and a circulating supply of 19.6 million, Bitcoin offers a level of scarcity that traditional currencies lack. Over the past year, Bitcoin has achieved a remarkable return on investment (ROI) of 84,077,910%. This impressive ROI has attracted investors from around the world, seeking to capitalize on the cryptocurrency's volatility and potential for high returns. The price of Bitcoin has experienced significant

Bitcoin: La criptomoneda líder del mercado

Bitcoin es la criptomoneda más popular y reconocida a nivel mundial. Con una capitalización de mercado de más de 1 billón de dólares, ocupa el primer puesto en la lista de criptoactivos. Su lanzamiento se remonta al año 2009 y desde entonces ha experimentado un crecimiento impresionante. En los últimos 7 días, el precio de Bitcoin ha aumentado un 11.61%. En los últimos 30 días, ha alcanzado un incremento del 21.66%. Esto demuestra la solidez y el potencial que tiene esta criptomoneda. Actualmente, el precio de Bitcoin se sitúa en $51,949.41. En las últimas 24 horas, ha tenido una variación de -0.54%. Sin embargo, a largo plazo, su rendimiento es asombroso, con un aumento del 110,908.92% en el último año. Con una oferta máxima de 21 millones de monedas, Bitcoin ha logrado establecerse como una alternativa confiable y segura al sistema financiero tradicional. Su tecnología blockchain y su naturaleza descentralizada le otorgan transparencia y resistencia a la censura. Si quieres conocer

Bitcoin: A Look into its Price and Market Information

Bitcoin, the world's leading cryptocurrency, has been making waves in the financial market. Let's take a closer look at its price and market information. Currently, the price of Bitcoin is at $51,949.41 with a 1-hour price change percentage of 0.15%. In the past 24 hours, the price has dropped by 0.53%, while over the last 7 days, it has seen a significant increase of 11.61%. Looking at the long-term trend, Bitcoin's price change percentage over the last 30 days is 21.66% and over the last 90 days is 42.68%. Bitcoin has been on an impressive rise, with a price change percentage of 110.91% over the past year. Bitcoin's current market cap stands at $1,019,731,100,410.13, making it one of the most valued cryptocurrencies. Its market cap dominance is at 52.3%. The circulating supply of Bitcoin is 19,629,312 coins out of a total supply of 21,000,000 coins. To get more live data and detailed information about Bitcoin, you can visit Mihansignal .


比特币统计数据 比特币(Bitcoin)是一种加密数字货币,是目前市值最高、最知名的加密货币之一。以下是比特币的一些统计数据: 当前价格:51924.90美元 过去1小时价格变化率:-0.11% 过去24小时价格变化率:-0.63% 过去7天价格变化率:11.49% 过去30天价格变化率:21.50% 过去60天价格变化率:26.40% 过去90天价格变化率:42.59% 过去1年价格变化率:110.97% 此外,比特币的市值为1,019,250,070,853.12美元,流通供应量为19,629,312个。最大供应量为21,000,000个,占据了市场总比重的52.30%。 更多比特币的统计数据和实时信息,可以访问 Mihansignal 网站。


比特币是目前市值最高的加密货币之一,排名全球第一。 以下是比特币的实时数据: 当前价格:51893.233794619344 USDT 1小时价格变动:-0.07206552% 24小时价格变动:-0.68496271% 7天价格变动:11.36068898% 30天价格变动:21.35816621% 60天价格变动:26.27343647% 90天价格变动:42.43492442% 1年价格变动:110.77854061% 历史总价格变动:83924285.41973704% 市值:1018628476843.53 USDT 24小时市值变动:-0.6805% 完全稀释市值:1089757909687.01 USDT 24小时完全稀释市值变动:-0.68% 流通供应量:19629312个 总供应量:19629312个 最大供应量:21000000个 市值占比:52.2662% 全球排名:1 投资回报率:83923853.97162506% 24小时最低价:51371.62748371256 USDT 24小时最高价:52820.06693457754 USDT 7天最低价:46905.32168581425 USDT 7天最高价:52820.06693457754 USDT 30天最低价:38521.89388822049 USDT 30天最高价:52820.06693457754 USDT 90天最低价:35670.97187751927 USDT 90天最高价:52820.06693457754 USDT 52周最低价:19628.254309420507 USDT 52周最高价:52820.06693457754 USDT 历史最低价:0.04864654 USDT 历史最高价:68789.62593892214 USDT 历史最低价变动:106673948.75% 历史最高价变动:-24.56% 历史最低价日期:2010-07-14 19:24:00 历史最高价日期:2021-11-10 14:17:02 昨日最低价:51371.62748371256 USDT 昨日最高价:52820.06693457754 USDT 昨日开盘价:51836.78357506893 USDT 昨日收盘价:51938.5563164417 USDT 昨日价格变动:0.2%


比特币(Bitcoin)是一种去中心化的数字货币,具有全球范围内的支付和转账功能。以下是比特币的实时数据: 当前价格:51893.23 美元 1小时价格变动率:-0.07% 24小时价格变动率:-0.68% 7天价格变动率:11.36% 30天价格变动率:21.36% 60天价格变动率:26.27% 90天价格变动率:42.43% 1年价格变动率:110.78% 总体价格变动率:83924285.42% 市值:1018628476843.53 美元 市值变动率:-0.68% 总发行量:2100万个 流通量:19629312 个 市值占比:52.27% 排名:1 了解更多比特币的实时数据,请访问 mihansignal 。

The Current State of Bitcoin

Bitcoin, the world's leading cryptocurrency, is currently experiencing various changes in its price and market dynamics. As of now, the price of Bitcoin stands at $51,930.81, with a 24-hour percentage change of -0.54%. Over the last hour, Bitcoin's price has increased by 0.17%, demonstrating minor fluctuations in the short term. However, its overall performance over the past 7 days has shown a positive growth rate of 11.48%, indicating a bullish trend in the market. For a more comprehensive view of Bitcoin's price history and live data, you can visit mihansignal . Bitcoin's market capitalization, which represents the total value of all Bitcoins in circulation, currently stands at $1,019,365,998,135.91. The market cap dominance of Bitcoin is approximately 52.30%, indicating its significant influence and dominance in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin has a maximum supply of 21,000,000 coins, with a circulating supply of 19,629,312 coins. Its fully diluted market cap, con

The Current State of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is currently priced at $51,729.56 with a market cap of $1.02 trillion. In the past hour, there has been a decrease in price by 0.16%. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by 0.50%, but over the last 7 days, it has increased by 11.11%. Looking at the longer-term trends, the price of Bitcoin has increased by 20.91% over the last 30 days, 26.01% over the last 60 days, and a staggering 41.99% over the last 90 days.In terms of market dominance, Bitcoin holds 52.18% of the total cryptocurrency market cap. It ranks number 1 among all cryptocurrencies in terms of market capitalization.Bitcoin's circulating supply is currently 19,629,312 BTC out of a total supply of 21,000,000 BTC. The fully diluted market cap, which takes into account all potential coins that could be in circulation, stands at $1.09 trillion.The price of Bitcoin has seen significant fluctuations over various time periods. In the last 24 hours, the lowest price recorded was $51,371.63, while the highest p

The Current State of Bitcoin

Bitcoin, the world's leading cryptocurrency, is currently experiencing a price of $52,413.31. Over the past hour, its price has increased by 0.41%, while the 24-hour and 7-day price change percentages stand at 1.44% and 16.25% respectively. Looking at a longer time frame, Bitcoin has seen a significant growth of 25.42% in the past 60 days and an impressive 131.11% over the course of a year. In terms of market capitalization, Bitcoin's market cap is currently valued at $1.03 trillion, with a 24-hour change percentage of 1.45%. Its fully diluted market cap, taking into account all potential future supply, is $1.10 trillion. The circulating supply of Bitcoin is 19.63 million out of a total supply of 21 million. Bitcoin's dominance in the cryptocurrency market is at 52.43%, solidifying its position as the top-ranked cryptocurrency. The return on investment (ROI) for Bitcoin is a staggering 84,765,403%, making it one of the most profitable investments in history. For real-tim

Tether (USDT) Maarifa: Uchunguzi wa Kina wa Mwenendo wa Soko la Sasa

 Utangulizi: Tether (USDT), sarafu thabiti inayosimama imara, inashikilia nafasi muhimu katika eneo la harakati za sarafu za dijiti, ikitoa kitovu cha kuaminika katika bahari ya mabadiliko ya soko. Uchunguzi wa makini wa data ya hivi karibuni unafichua utulivu wa Tether, ikiwa na thamani ya takribani $1.00, na mabadiliko mepesi kulingana na muda. Muhtasari wa Utendaji wa Bei: Katika masaa 24 yaliyopita, Tether imedhihirisha mabadiliko madogo ya bei ya 0.0021%, ikionyesha uimara wake. Mwenendo wa muda mfupi unaonyesha ongezeko la 0.0079% katika saa iliyopita, ikionyesha mwendo wa juu wa kiwango kidogo. Kwa kipindi kirefu zaidi, asilimia za mabadiliko ya bei kwa siku 7, siku 30, siku 60, na siku 90 ni 0.0722%, 0.0496%, 0.0872%, na 0.0105%, mtawalia. Hata hivyo, ni muhimu kufahamu kwamba asilimia jumla ya mabadiliko ya bei inaonyesha kupungua kwa -17.33%. Dynamics za Mtaji wa Soko: Tether inajivunia mtaji wa soko wa $96.38 bilioni, ikithibitisha ushindi wake na sehemu ya soko la 5.34%. Mt

Tether (USDT) - A Comprehensive Analysis of the Current State

  Tether (USDT), a prominent stablecoin in the cryptocurrency market, is renowned for maintaining a value pegged to the US Dollar, providing stability and liquidity to traders and investors. Examining the latest data, we gain insights into Tether's current state and trends. Price Overview: Tether is currently priced at $1.0004, exhibiting a slight 24-hour increase of 0.0021%. The stablecoin has demonstrated steady growth over shorter periods, with a 7-day change of 0.0722% and a 1-hour change of 0.0079%. Despite these relatively modest fluctuations, Tether's stability around the $1.00 mark remains a key characteristic. Market Metrics: Tether boasts a market cap of $96.38 billion, reinforcing its significant presence in the cryptocurrency market. The 24-hour market cap change is 0.1273%, showcasing the coin's resilience. The fully diluted market cap stands at $99.64 billion, with a negligible change in the last 24 hours. The circulating supply of Tether is approximately 96.3

Bitcoinдің Ағымдағы Мәртебесі: Тенденцияларды Талдау және Келесі Әдепкі

  Кіргізу: Bitcoin, крипто валюталардың пионері, динамикалық баға өзге жататтырып, базардағы доминиясымен қалыптасудай жалғанайтын, әлдеқайда көмек көрсеткен финанс мирін жалбардайтын бір тізімді. Мақалада біз ағымдағы Bitcoin статистикасын талдау жасау, негізгі метрикаларды зерттеу және соңғы жататтырмалар бойынша көмек көрсету мақсатында «Mihansignal» дан деректі білім аламыз. Bitcoin бағасының Ұмытылмауы: Мұқият болған ақпараттарға сай, Bitcoin бағасы 43,079.83 доллар болып, соңғы сағатта 0.06% биіктеп өтті. Соңғы 24 сағат ішінде бұл крипто-валюта 0.04% азайтындығын табады, ондағы ай мен 30 күндік өзгерістер позитивті 0.64% мен -3.90% көрсетеді. Әсіресе, Bitcoin соңғы 90 күнде 14.71% арттыратын дайындалуын көрсетеді. Бір жылдық өзгерістердің пайыздары 87.55%, Bitcoinдің тарихтық келісімін көрсеткендігін білдіреді. Базар Капиталы мен Доминанттылығы: Қазіргі кезде Bitcoin базар капиталы 845.27 триллион доллар, соңғы 24 сағат ішінде -0.03% айналды. Толығымен басқарылма капитал 904.68 т

Bitcoinen Egungo Egoera: Tendenteen Analisia eta Etorkizuneko Iragana

  Sarrera: Bitcoin, kriptomoneten abenturazalea, hainbat prezioko mugimenduekin eta merkatuan daukan dominioarekin, oraindik ere finantza-mundua inbaditzen jarraitzen du. Artikulu honetan, Bitcoinen estatistikak aztertuko ditugu, metrika garrantzitsuak aztertuz, eta bere ekitaldi berriak kontuan hartuz. Gainera, "Mihansignal"etik datuak erabiliko ditugu gure analisiak hobetzeko. Bitcoinen Prezioaren Laburpena: Azkeneko datuen arabera, Bitcoinen prezioa 43,079.83 dolarretan dago, azken orduan %0.06ko igoera izan duelarik. Azken 24 orduetan, kriptomoneta honek %0.04ko jaitsiera izan du, eta astez eta 30 egunetan izandako aldaketek, hurrenez hurren, %0.64 eta -3.90eko tendentzia positiboak erakusten dituzte. Aparte, Bitcoinek 90 egunetan zehar izandako erresistentzia erakusten du, %14.71ko igoera izan duelarik. Urtebeteko prezio-aldaketa ehunekoa izan da handia, %87.55ekoa, Bitcoinen eraginkortasuna nabarmenduz. Merkatu Kapitala eta Dominantzia: Bitcoinen merkatu kapitala 845.27

Keadaan Semasa Bitcoin: Menganalisis Trend dan Prospek Masa Depan

  Pengenalan: Bitcoin, peneraju dalam dunia kripto, terus memikat dunia kewangan dengan pergerakan harga yang dinamik dan dominasinya dalam pasaran. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan mengkaji statistik semasa Bitcoin, meneroka metrik utama, dan memberikan wawasan mengenai prestasi terkini. Selain itu, kita akan merujuk kepada maklumat dari "Mihansignal" untuk meningkatkan analisis kita. Gambaran Harga Bitcoin: Menurut data terkini yang tersedia, harga Bitcoin berada pada $43,079.83, mengalami peningkatan 0.06% dalam jam terakhir. Dalam tempoh 24 jam terakhir, mata wang kripto ini mengalami penurunan 0.04%, manakala perubahan mingguan dan 30 hari mencerminkan tren positif sebanyak 0.64% dan -3.90% masing-masing. Perlu diperhatikan, Bitcoin menunjukkan ketahanan sepanjang 90 hari terakhir, mencatatkan peningkatan mencolok sebanyak 14.71%. Peratusan perubahan dalam setahun adalah 87.55%, menonjolkan daya tarik berkekalan Bitcoin. Kapital Pasaran dan Dominasi: Kapital pasaran Bitcoin

Bitcoinin Hazırki Vəziyyəti: Tərzləri Təhlil Edərək və Gələcəyə Baxaraq

  Giriş: Bitcoin, kripto valyutaların pioneri kimi, dinamik qiymət hərəkətləri və bazarın hakimiyyətində davam etməsi ilə maliyyə dünyasını təsirləyir. Bu məqalədə, Biz Bitcoinin cari statistikasına dalmış, əsas göstəriciləri araşdırmış və son performansı ilə bağlı bəzi anlayışlar vermiş olacağıq. Əlavə olaraq, analizimizi artırmaq üçün "Mihansignal" məlumatlarına istinad edəcəyik. Bitcoin Qiymətinin Ümumi Bakış: Ən son mövcud məlumatlara əsaslanaraq, Bitcoinin qiyməti 43,079.83 ABŞ dolları olaraq müəyyənləşib, son saatda 0.06% artış göstərmişdir. Son 24 saat ərzində kripto valyuta hafif 0.04% azalma yaşamışdır, əksər, həftəlik və 30 günlük dəyişikliklər isə 0.64% və -3.90% olaraq pozitiv tendensiyalar göstərməkdədir. Xüsusilə, Bitcoin son 90 gündə müstəqil olaraq 14.71% artış qeyd edərək qəribə bir sabitlik göstərir. Bir illik dəyişiklik faizi təəccüblü 87.55% olaraq qeyd edilir, Bitcoinin davamlı cazibəsini vurğulayır. Bazar Kapitalı və Hakimiyyəti: Bitcoinin bazar kapitalı