
Showing posts from January, 2024

Hali ya Sasa ya Bitcoin: Uchambuzi wa Mienendo na Mtazamo wa Baadaye

Utangulizi: Bitcoin, mwanzilishi wa sarafu za dijiti, anaendelea kuwavutia dunia ya kifedha na mabadiliko yake ya bei na utawala katika soko. Katika makala haya, tutachunguza takwimu za sasa za Bitcoin, tukiangalia vipimo muhimu na kutoa ufahamu kuhusu utendaji wake wa hivi karibuni. Aidha, tutatolea mfano taarifa kutoka "Mihansignal" ili kuimarisha uchambuzi wetu. Muhtasari wa Bei ya Bitcoin: Kulingana na data ya hivi karibuni inayopatikana, bei ya Bitcoin ni $43,079.83, ikiwa na ongezeko la 0.06% katika saa iliyopita. Katika masaa 24 yaliyopita, sarafu hii ya dijiti imepata kushuka kidogo ya 0.04%, wakati mabadiliko ya bei kwa wiki na siku 30 yanaonyesha mwelekeo mzuri wa 0.64% na -3.90% mtawalia. Kwa umuhimu, Bitcoin imeonyesha uthabiti kwa kipindi cha siku 90 zilizopita, ikirekodi ongezeko la kuvutia la 14.71%. Asilimia ya mabadiliko kwa mwaka mmoja ni 87.55%, ikisisitiza mvuto endelevu wa Bitcoin. Ugavi na Udominanti wa Soko: Ugavi wa Bitcoin kwa sasa ni milioni 19.62 ka

تتر (USDT) تقترب من حاجز 100 مليار دولار في قيمة السوق بعد طباعة أكثر من 10 مليارات دولار في ثلاثة أشهر

المصدر الثابت للتوكن تتر (USDT) تقترب من قيمة سوق تبلغ 100 مليار دولار بعد إضافة حوالي 10 مليارات دولار إلى قيمتها خلال الثلاثة أشهر الماضية. وفقًا لبيانات جديدة من منصة تصنيف العملات الرقمية CoinGecko ، رأت USDT قيمة سوقها الإجمالية تتضاعف من 84 مليار دولار في 15 أكتوبر إلى أكثر من 94 مليار دولار في 15 يناير. في الأسبوع الماضي، تصدت الشركة المصدرة للتوكن الثابتة لاتهامات من وكالة تتعلق بالأمم المتحدة (UN) ادعت أن USDT كانت تستخدم بشكل متكرر من قبل المجرمين لغسل الأموال وارتكاب الاحتيال في بعض أنحاء آسيا. وفقًا لتقرير نشرته مكتب الأمم المتحدة المعني بالجريمة والمخدرات (UNODC)، يفضل العناصر الخبيثة في شرق وجنوب شرق آسيا استخدام USDT على شبكة Tron (TRX) حيث يقدم Tether أفضل درجات التجهيز، ورسومًا أقل واستقرارًا أكبر. ومع ذلك، تنفي تتر الادعاء وتقول إن استخدام USDT في الأنشطة الغير مشروعة يعتبر صعبًا حيث تتعاون مع العديد من وكالات إنفاذ القانون لتتبع ومراقبة العمليات. تتابع تتر تراكماً هائلاً للبيتكوين (BTC)، حيث ترفع احتياطياتها من الأصل الرقمي الرئيسي إلى 2.8 مليار دولار. وفقًا لمنصة اس

Tether (USDT) se acerca a una capitalización de mercado de $100 mil millones después de imprimir más de $10,000,000,000 en tres meses

El emisor de la stablecoin Tether (USDT) está cerca de alcanzar una capitalización de mercado de $100 mil millones después de agregar aproximadamente $10 mil millones a su valoración durante los últimos tres meses. Según nuevos datos de la plataforma de clasificación criptográfica CoinGecko, el USDT ha visto cómo su capitalización de mercado total se ha inflado de $84 mil millones el 15 de octubre a más de $94 mil millones el 15 de enero. La semana pasada, el emisor de la stablecoin se defendió de acusaciones provenientes de una agencia asociada a las Naciones Unidas (ONU) que afirmaba que el USDT se utilizaba con frecuencia por criminales para lavar dinero y cometer fraudes en partes de Asia. Según un informe publicado por la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas contra la Droga y el Delito (ONUDD), los actores malintencionados en el este y sudeste asiático prefieren utilizar el USDT en la cadena de bloques de Tron (TRX) ya que Tether ofrece mayor anonimato, tarifas más bajas y mayor estabil

Les flux d'ETF Bitcoin indiquent une tendance négative pour la première fois depuis le lancement

De nouvelles données révèlent un changement significatif dans la dynamique des fonds négociés en bourse (ETF) de Bitcoin, marquant la première sortie collective depuis leur lancement le 11 janvier. Alors que des fonds tels que l'IBIT de BlackRock et le FBTC de Fidelity attirent des entrées, le GBTC de Grayscale connaît des sorties persistantes, entraînant une sortie nette de 158 millions de dollars sur les 10 ETF Bitcoin, y compris le GBTC, le mercredi. Pour des mises à jour en temps réel sur les prix du Bitcoin ainsi que des analyses techniques et fondamentales approfondies, les lecteurs intéressés peuvent se référer à MihanSignal . En analysant les chiffres, la compilation de CoinDesk à partir des sites des émetteurs indique que le total de Bitcoin détenu par tous les ETF (y compris le GBTC) au 24 janvier s'élève à environ 649 000, contre plus de 660 000 une semaine plus tôt, soit une baisse d'environ 11 000 jetons. Notamment, le GBTC a connu les seules sorties négatives

Negativer Trend bei Bitcoin-ETF-Flüssen erstmals seit dem Start

Neue Daten zeigen eine bemerkenswerte Veränderung in der Dynamik von Spot-Bitcoin-Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), die erstmals seit ihrer Einführung am 11. Januar einen gemeinsamen Kapitalabfluss verzeichnen. Während Fonds wie BlackRock's IBIT und Fidelity's FBTC Zuflüsse verzeichneten, erlebte Grayscale's GBTC anhaltende Abflüsse, was zu einem Nettoabfluss von 158 Millionen US-Dollar bei den 10 Spot-Bitcoin-ETFs, einschließlich GBTC, führte, am Mittwoch. Für Echtzeitaktualisierungen zu Bitcoin-Preisen sowie umfassende technische und fundamentale Analysen können interessierte Leser auf MihanSignal verweisen. Bei der Analyse der Zahlen zeigt die Zusammenstellung von CoinDesk von den Websites der Emittenten, dass der Gesamtbestand an Bitcoin aller Spot-ETFs (einschließlich GBTC) zum 24. Januar bei etwa 649.000 liegt, verglichen mit über 660.000 in der Vorwoche - ein Rückgang von rund 11.000 Tokens. Beachtenswert ist, dass GBTC die einzigen negativen Zuflüsse verzeichnete, wobei

Shift in Bitcoin ETF Flows Signals First Negative Trend Since Inception

Recent data reveals a noteworthy shift in the dynamics of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), marking the first collective outflow since their launch on January 11. While funds like BlackRock's IBIT and Fidelity's FBTC have attracted inflows, Grayscale's GBTC has experienced persistent outflows, resulting in a net outflow of $158 million across the 10 spot Bitcoin ETFs, including GBTC, on Wednesday. For  real-time updates on Bitcoin prices and comprehensive technical and fundamental analyses, interested readers can refer to MihanSignal. Analyzing the numbers, CoinDesk's compilation from issuers' websites indicates that the total Bitcoin held by all spot ETFs (including GBTC) as of January 24 stands at approximately 649,000, compared to over 660,000 a week earlier—a decline of around 11,000 tokens. Notably, GBTC witnessed the sole negative flows, with its total Bitcoin in trust decreasing from 592,098 to 523,516 over the week. While the majority of the funds

Fastest Growing Web3 Game in History: 'Notcoin,' Built on Toncoin (TON), Sets New Record with Potential Token Launch on the Horizon

"Discover the Secrets Behind the Meteoric Rise of One of the Fastest-Growing Web3 Games, Notcoin: A TON-Based Clicker Game on Telegram. With Millions of Players and Zero Marketing Expenses, Notcoin's Success Lies in its Simple Gameplay, Viral Incentives, and Community Engagement. MihanSignal Shares the Story of this Remarkable Growth. "  

Notcoin Not Available for Minting Yet

  Even though people can mine Notcoin by playing the game and clicking their screens, the token has not been minted yet and is not available for trading. However, it is likely people will eventually be able to mint Notcoin on the TON blockchain.  According to Booth, the TON blockchain “is certainly in the best position it’s been to handle that kind of load than it’s ever been… In terms of minting tokens, there really isn’t that much difficulty there on the blockchain,” though it does depend on how the distribution of token minting is done.  Reflecting the strong interest in the game, “Notcoin” currently has a comparable interest score worldwide on Google Trends with “dogecoin,” and a higher interest score than “memecoin.”

کد تقلب نات کوین

اخیرا پیام‌رسان تلگرام با راه‌اندازی یک پروژه جدید به نام نات کوین(Notcoin)، به سرعت مورد توجه قرار گرفته و توانسته نظر بیش از ۱۰ میلیون کاربر را به خود جلب کند. این مقاله به بررسی جنبه‌های مختلف نات کوین می‌پردازد، که شامل روش‌های ماینینگ، نحوه بررسی قیمت نات کوین، نحوه برداشت و فروش نات کوین است. پیش از اینکه به عمق مفهوم نات کوین وارد شویم، لازم است ذات آن را به عنوان یک میم کوین درک کنیم. در واقع، نات کوین یک نوع ارزدیجیتال است که از طنز یا میم‌ها پدید آمده و با وجود عدم داشتن هدف مشخصی، از طریق حمایت مردم و محبوبیت در جامعه رواج پیدا کرده است.

Notcoin Not Available for Minting Yet

Even though people can mine Notcoin by playing the game and clicking their screens, the token has not been minted yet and is not available for trading. However, it is likely people will eventually be able to mint Notcoin on the TON blockchain.  According to Mihansignal , the TON blockchain “is certainly in the best position it’s been to handle that kind of load than it’s ever been… In terms of minting tokens, there really isn’t that much difficulty there on the blockchain,” though it does depend on how the distribution of token minting is done.  Reflecting the strong interest in the game, “Notcoin” currently has a comparable interest score worldwide on Google Trends with “dogecoin,” and a higher interest score than “memecoin.”

Notcoin, a Free Telegram Game Based on the TON Blockchain, Surges in Popularity

Based on what i read in Mihansignal In the past ten days through Friday afternoon, Notcoin has seen its total players more than triple from 5.1 million to over 17.2 million, with roughly four million daily active users.

Trillions of 'Notcoin' Farmed in Telegram Meme Coin Game—But There's a Catch

What makes a game a game? For some, it’s playable characters and quests. For others, it’s cards. And for crypto traders, it can be as simple as a clickable button that lets you “collect” an untradeable, unreleased meme coin to climb an internet leaderboard—and potentially reap future rewards. Notcoin is a meme coin that, for now, is just an idea. It may be minted on the TON blockchain in the future, but for now the project is more of an internet marketing plot than a real cryptocurrency. Notcoin is not currently being “mined,” so calling the Notcoin button-clicker app on Telegram a “mining game” is technically a misnomer. “No one knows if or when Notcoin will be minted. No one knows if it will be worth anything or not,” an automated Telegram message reads when learning how to play the Notcoin “game.” A statement from the TON Foundation—which supports The Open Network (TON), which was initially incubated within Telegram before the company backed out due to regulatory scrutiny—further co

Navigating the Future with Notcoin: A New Era of Digital Currency

  In the rapidly evolving world of digital currencies, Notcoin stands out as a beacon of innovation and potential. As a cryptocurrency, Notcoin operates on the principles of blockchain technology, offering a decentralized and secure platform for financial transactions. This marks a significant shift from traditional, centralized financial systems, offering users a new level of autonomy and privacy. The core of Notcoin's appeal lies in its blockchain foundation. This technology ensures that every transaction is recorded in a tamper-proof ledger, providing unparalleled security and transparency. Unlike conventional banking systems, where transactions are controlled and monitored by central authorities, Notcoin transactions are peer-to-peer, reducing the need for intermediaries and often resulting in lower transaction fees. Another notable aspect of Notcoin is its potential for fostering financial inclusion. By offering an alternative to traditional banking systems, Notcoin provides a

Unveiling the Potential of Notcoin Cryptocurrency

Notcoin cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that operates independently of a central bank. Unlike traditional currencies, it uses decentralized technology, allowing users to make secure transactions without the need for intermediaries. This technology, known as blockchain, is a public ledger that records all transactions in a secure and transparent manner. The primary appeal of Notcoin, like other cryptocurrencies, lies in its decentralized nature, which provides a level of security and anonymity not typically available in traditional financial systems. Transactions with Notcoin are generally faster and can be more cost-effective compared to traditional banking systems, especially for international transfers. However, it's important to note that the value of Notcoin, as with many cryptocurrencies, can be highly volatile. This volatility is due in part to the relatively nascent nature of the cryptocurrency market and varying investor sentiments.  Moreover, regulatory per